How to Deal With a 2 Faced Family Member.

Woman and her elderly mother

Few people escape the dreaded task of having to deal with difficult family unit members. Whether y'all have disrespectful, ungrateful, unreliable, or downright toxic relatives, utilizing healthy communication skills and disharmonize management strategies can allow yous to reply appropriately to family drama, and set yous on the path to enjoying family unit fourth dimension once again.

Meet on Neutral Footing

Interacting somewhere you both feel comfortable can help create a at-home temper. If you or your family member has major bug tied to a particular location, suggest the upshot or activity take place somewhere else. Meeting in public places frequently makes people act on their all-time beliefs, so having Christmas at a rented event space might be more comfortable than gathering at Mom's house, for example.

Focus on the Positives

Earlier meeting with your family member, think of all the qualities you like about them; and in your listen separate who they are as a person from their behavior. Focusing on the adept rather than the bad will prepare you for dealing with the actions that badger you. This is considering your stress level won't already exist heightened before you even meet the person, in turn making it easier for yous to interact with them calmly.

Mentally Prepare Yourself for Interactions

Imagine what this interaction will look like specifically based on your previous experiences with this person. Typically, hard family unit members take a certain behavioral pattern that is easy to track in one case y'all become aware of it. Based on their by behavior, mentally ready yourself to deal with any possible scenarios you think may unfold. By doing so, y'all may detect that yous accept an easier fourth dimension reacting appropriately.

Use Empathy to Alter Your Perspective

Difficult people are not built-in that style, they go that fashion due to a combination of nature and nurture. Even though it can be actually hard, endeavour to understand their perspective. Interactions with hard people create incredible opportunities for growth, self-reflection, and heightened emotional intelligence.

How to Talk to a Difficult Family Member

Sometimes, there isn't much yous can do to avert the annoyances of your family member. This is when you should employ some good conflict resolution techniques. The way you speak can influence the mood of whatever conversation.

Grandfather and grandson communicating

Utilise "I" Statements

When you lot use "I" statements, it takes the blame off the person y'all are speaking to, which and so helps them get less defensive. Employ phrases like, "I experience threatened by comments like that," or "I am offended by this topic." Start with the give-and-take "I" and make the feelings near you.

Set Limits in Conversations

An "I" statement also sets the stage for productive problem-solving. For instance, "I can't talk with you when you are yelling because I am nervous and uncomfortable" can be followed upwardly with, "Can we come dorsum to this chat at some other time when we are calmer?" Sometimes it'due south better to exit a bad conversation with a difficult family unit member because the more y'all talk, the more unproductive the communication, and the conflict could escalate. Tell the person that you will not engage in a nasty conversation, and consistently enforce that boundary.

Suggest a Break

If you lot are sensing that the discussion is heading down a negative or unhealthy path, excuse yourself for a quick breather. You can say, "This chat is a bit intense. I'g going to get some fresh air for a few minutes." If y'all feel too overwhelmed by the conversation and would like to discontinue speaking with them say, "I've enjoyed speaking with y'all. Permit'south put a pin in this discussion for now." You can also say, "I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Let's discuss this some other time."

Ask Them What They Retrieve You Said

Oftentimes people tin misinterpret a statement and utilise it to spark an argument with you. When you sense that coming, enquire them something like, "What is your understanding of what I just said?" That way, you lot will be able to clear upward the misunderstanding at the outset.

How to Act Around a Difficult Family Member

Depending on the blazon of person yous're dealing with and their specific problems, in that location are dissimilar ways you can act around your family member to go along things peaceful. Think almost what you know about this person and their typical behaviors, so you'll be prepared to act in a style that is least likely to pb to conflict.

Two senior Family Member

Be Honest

In that location'southward a run a risk your family member doesn't recognize that their behavior bothers yous, particularly if no one has ever given them feedback on it before. While honesty can backfire in certain situations, information technology's worth a try to allow them know what is bothering you and why. If honesty doesn't work the first time, there's no need to keep repeating yourself.

Avoid Hot Topics

If you know that discussing politics usually ends in a heated argue, avert the topic. If your family unit fellow member insists on discussing information technology, endeavour to change the field of study. If y'all can't change the subject, stride away from the person by going to another room or ending the meeting. The key thing is to be calm and assertive and say, "I don't desire to talk about this."

Avoid Stressful Situations

When you must collaborate with a difficult family fellow member, try to avoid activities or locations you know trigger their upsetting behavior. For case, if they don't similar to sit in traffic and typically mutter nearly it the whole time, schedule a run into-upward when you know traffic is light, or drive separately.

Be Civil and Courteous

It might seem logical to merely ignore the family member who'due south bothering you, simply this tin actually cause more bug. Make a point to say "Hi" when you see them and appoint in small talk if you can. You can then strategically avert them during events, engaging just if they approach you.

Go along Tabs on Your Own Emotions

When yous are spending a lot of time with a difficult family member, remember to continue checking in with yourself. Note any tension in your body and try some calming techniques to go yourself through the stressful moments. Wait for simple ways of taking a break, like going to the restroom or getting a glass of h2o. If you reach your emotional breaking point, you have the right to excuse yourself.

Be Intentional With Your Response

Although information technology is hard not to react to annoying or outrageous beliefs, break and think about what you are going to say or do. This can assist make the interaction become a bit more smoothly.

Strategies for Dealing With Specific Problematic Behaviors

While it may not seem fair that you have to detect ways of dealing with a difficult family unit member or 1 who hates you, remember that you only have control over your ain behavior. Focusing on what you tin control can make the interactions less overwhelming.

Strategies to Bargain With Domineering Family unit Members

You might take a family fellow member who always takes over conversations, butts in on other people'due south conversations, or wants to control exactly how, where, and when an issue takes place. To deal with a domineering or controlling family member, try these strategies:

  • Give them command over something specific. For example, deciding who will bring what dish to a potluck. This way, they have some power that doesn't hurt anyone else.
  • Don't go caught upward in their lies or justifications; remember what yous know to be true.
  • In conversations with the person, remain calm and focus on the truth and facts.

Strategies to Deal With Over-Dramatic Family Members

If your family member loves to gossip nigh everyone, spill secrets, make up lies for attention, and create drama everywhere they go, at that place are a few ways in which you tin can respond:

  • Turn down to participate in dramatic conversations past saying, "I am non going to participate in this conversation, if you want to talk about something else I'd beloved to chat with you."
  • Don't react. Over-dramatic people are seeking big reactions; by reacting you are inadvertently reinforcing their behaviors.
  • Don't attempt to reason with them or change their listen. You can't rationalize with someone when they are beingness irrational, and attempting to do so can go you sucked into the drama.

Strategies to Deal With Negative Family Members

Phone call them Negative Nancy or Negative Ned, these family members are ever somber and particularly like to point out people's flaws and mistakes. Dealing with a negative person involves understanding that the problem is theirs, not yours.

  • Be yourself. If you aren't a negative person, don't be negative... fifty-fifty when they are.
  • Avoid problem-solving. Someone who is depressed or always negative volition not respond well at your attempts to seemingly "fix" them.
  • Don't accept it personally. Their negativity is not a representation of you and your life, it's a representation of theirs.

Strategies to Deal With Abrasive Family Members

People who are obnoxious are generally seeking attention. Or they might think they are interesting by being loud and annoying. This can be very aggravating simply at that place are things you tin do:

  • Plan a moment for them to be the star from the starting time. If they get anybody'southward undivided attending off the bat, they may be satisfied enough to calm down a piddling.
  • Allow them know in a nice way when they're likewise loud or they've gone too far. Annoying people typically don't realize they're fifty-fifty doing these things; the behaviors could be due to anxiety.
  • Program quieter, contained activities to lessen your interactions, while still spending fourth dimension together.

Strategies to Deal With Family unit Members Who Take Mental Wellness Concerns

From personality disorders to low and anxiety, dealing with family members exhibiting mental health concerns tin can be overwhelming. You might fifty-fifty feel torn betwixt having empathy for them while besides losing your patience or energy. What can be helpful is to:

  • Recognize their strengths and focus on those.
  • Sympathize their behavior is probably not personal or only directed at you.
  • Avoid conversations about their mental health unless they're request yous for help.

How to Deal With Toxic Family unit Members

The definition of "toxic" is something that is "very harmful or bad." To deal with toxic family unit members, y'all need to be able to recognize that they are toxic and learn when it's best to disconnect.

How to Tell if a Family unit Member or Family unit Dynamic Is Toxic

If your family member causes y'all emotional or physical distress, peculiarly long-term distress, they are toxic to your life. Some of the alarm signs a person is toxic include that they:

  • Intentionally hurt you often
  • Never repent for their behavior
  • Consistently crave your assistance even if information technology causes you to lose sleep, miss work, or other of import things
  • Criticize you ofttimes
  • Endeavor to control all major aspects of your life
  • Corruption you physically, emotionally, or sexually

How to Handle Toxic Family Members

If you lot're not fix to cut your toxic family fellow member out of your life, there are some strategies you can try to assistance minimize your distress:

  • Decide your ain relationship boundaries and stick to them. You don't demand to share what these are with anyone.
  • Exist conscious of what you practise share.
  • Refuse invitations if you need to.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs during interactions. If possible, remove them as options for anyone.
  • Seek therapy to help y'all deal with family unit issues.

How to Disconnect From Toxic Family unit Members

If your family member is clearly toxic and shows no signs of self-awareness, empathy, or attempts to exist a better person, it might be best for you to disconnect from them. If you've decided to disconnect from a toxic family fellow member, in that location are two bones approaches.

  • You can "ghost" them and simply cut all ties, change your phone number, and eliminate means for them to become your contact information. This approach is all-time for calumniating relationships.
  • You can tell them y'all need a break and avoid responding to their attempts to communicate.

If you lot disconnect from a toxic family fellow member, inform other family members of your decision so it'due south not a surprise to them. Additionally, make sure y'all accept supports in place for yourself, and take condom precautions if you think information technology's necessary.

Focus on Your Growth

As much every bit you would like tips and advice to make your relationship better automatically, it doesn't happen overnight. Focus on who you are and what you can do to deal with hard family unit members every bit your ultimate strategy. If you feel hopeless or helpless almost your family unit bug, seek help from a professional counselor or therapist. If you think your family members would be open to it, you lot tin explore family therapy.


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