Crockpot Slow Cooker Ground Beef Recipes

20 Ground Beef Recipes for the Slow Cooker -

Several years ago, before I knew much near piece of cake crockpot meals, when I was a young married woman, I would fix my husband spaghetti every calendar week. I thought it was because I LOVED spaghetti. My married man…not then much.

He'd complain and say, "Spaghetti again?" or say he was already also full and and so brand a peanut butter and jelly on the side.  Luckily for him, I didn't have information technology too personally considering I could see his point. Simply I didn't know what else to do. Coin was tight and I wasn't sure what else to serve him that was both easy AND affordable.

Fast frontwards 20 years…and plenty of experimentation and I've plant that I can make a lot of other foods with ground beef that aren't much harder than spaghetti and still satisfy the diversity that my husband craves at repast fourth dimension.

These twenty hamburger recipes have saved our dinner fourth dimension!  While we practice still occasionally swallow spaghetti, we dear each of these ground beef recipes equally equally much, if not more than. (My husband really loves them more, lol) Plus, there'due south an added bonus!  Nosotros save time AND we salve coin by using them, considering they are super Piece of cake Crockpot Meals!!

How Nosotros Save Time by Cooking in the Slow Cooker

  • We use Crockpot Freezer Meals by doing all of the training and assembly work all at once.  Typically, I do this on a Saturday or Lord's day and set up a week at a fourth dimension.  Information technology just takes an hour or two at the most and it eliminates a lot of cooking fourth dimension on my function.  I practice the chopping of all my veggies, precooking of any ground beef or other meats, all at once.
  • By quickly dumping my meal into the slow cooker, in the morning or early afternoon, I don't have to spend that 30 minutes to an hour preparing the evening meal.  I'm e'er impressed with the corporeality of actress time I take in the evening, when I accept cooked my meal in the slow cooker.

How We Relieve Money By Cooking in the Boring Cooker

  • We purchase cheap cuts of meat, such every bit footing beef and craven.
  • We don't eat out about as frequently, because we accept a delicious home cooked meal ready for us.
  • When I know I'chiliad going to accept a footing beefiness Crockpot Freezer Meals cooking session, I can buy my ground beef in bulk.  I do that by buying a side of beefiness from a local farmer or by purchasing a case at Sam's society, in the meat market.

The Best Slow Cooker to Cook These Like shooting fish in a barrel Crockpot Meals In

Of course, having the best ho-hum cooker for your family will be worth it'southward weight in gold!  Hither'southward a general guideline you lot can get by:

  • one. 5 – two. 5 quart tiresome cookers are bang-up for singles or couples.You will likely non fit leftovers in this size though.
  • iii. 5 – 4 quart irksome cookers will feed two to four
  • 5 or vi quart deadening cookers are will feed 4 to 6
  • seven quart and up are perfect for big families or people who melt a lot for large get togethers.

For almost of my recipes here on this site, I would probably suggest using at least a 6 quart slow cooker.  If I were to option one out for your family unit, I used to call up that I would first suggest the Instant Pot considering it has so many other features that you can take advantage of, like pressure cooking, steaming and more than!  It'due south generic proper noun is actually a multi-cooker, but… deadening cooking is supposed to exist ane of its many great options.  Only…. I've since institute that the slow cooker button, doesn't piece of work likewise well.  The inner stainless steal pot of an Instant Pot does not cook in the same way as the ceramic ones that the tiresome cookers take.  There's definitely a place in my firm for both though.  I've found that on days that I forget to start my boring cooker, my Instant Pot saves the day time and fourth dimension again.

Instant Pot

My best suggestion for a slow cooker is i with a digital programmable slow cooker with a locking hat like this 6 quart version:

Crockpot Programmable

It is relatively cheap, even though it has all of these great features.

Of course, at that place'south some other really skillful options as well.  If you want a fiddling more help picking out the best boring cooker for your family unit, be certain to bank check out my post where we dive a little deeper into sizes, colors, features and more than.  They accept some really cool colors out there these days.  I am in love with this bluish one:

Blue Slow Cooker

Tips for Slow Cooking with Basis Beef Recipes

I of the almost common questions I get, when nosotros talk virtually cooking easy crockpot meals using ground beef recipes is this:  "Can you just put it in the wearisome cooker with the residual of the nutrient, without pre-cooking information technology?"  That is a great question!  Read my tips below to decide what you recollect:

  1.  You lot always desire to precook it, if it will be mixed into something, and drain (and perhaps even rinse)the grease.  For instance, if yous're following my Freezer to Slow Cooker plan, yous don't want to precook a meatloaf, but yous Practice want to precook the ground beef if it will be in lasagna or soups.
  2. Don't let ground beef cook for long periods of fourth dimension in information technology's own grease. Otherwise, it will finish up taking on a weird, greasy later on-taste, even after the grease has been drained.
  3. When cooking in a deadening cooker, information technology's a skillful idea to apply a lower fatty ground beefiness.  That way if any grease did not get drained off, your dish won't end up a greasy pot of ick.

OK, and then obviously I have a problem with grease.  One time, I tried cooking my ground beef in bulk in my slow cooker.  You know, and so I wouldn't have to slave over the stove, stirring the meat.  I found that it did not do well.  It had a weird greasy aftertaste, and some of the meat was still red even though it was fully cooked.  Afterward that, I've always precooked it.

These are the tools I use to become several pounds of footing beef cooked in ane session.

My Large Bandage Atomic number 26 Skillet – I seriously love this thing!  It is perfect for cooking iii-4 pounds of basis beef in it at a time.

cast iron skillet

I use my Stainless Steel Spatula to regularly stir the meat and intermission information technology autonomously, so that there aren't very many large clumps.

stainless steel spatula

Then, I volition utilize my Piece of cake Greasy™ Colander to drain and take hold of the grease, and and so follow that upward by rinsing the grease with water.  This makes my meal lower in bad fats and much healthier for my family!

20 Hamburger Recipes for your Wearisome Cooker

OK, so now, let'southward talk about the recipes!

From feel, these hamburger recipes are perfect for a majority cooking solar day (particularly when ground beefiness is on auction). You can either go to each recipe and print them out OR y'all tin can sign upward to receive the printable recipes in an ebook all for free!

If you go the complimentary ebook, you will e'er have the recipes on hand instead of trying to discover my site, retrieve the recipe, remember the ingredients, etc. (Because we all know when you have time to cook, you don't have another 30 minutes to find the recipe on the website.)

To commencement out, I wanted to share one recipe, that'south not in the ebook, because information technology'due south awesome!  Later that, the side by side 20 recipes are in the ebook, or you tin can access them hither.

Mexican Lasagna – information technology's delicious!

  1. Mexican Goulash
  2. Beef Stroganoff
  3. Deadening Cooker Pizza
  4. Taco Soup
  5. Tater Tot Casserole
  6. Pasta Fagiola
  7. Meat Loaf
  8. Montereys
  9. Easy Dull Cooker Chili
  10. Sweet & Sour Meatballs
  11. Sloppy Joes
  12. Shepherd'south Pie
  13. Crockpot Lasagna
  14. Ho-hum Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup (footing beef version)
  15. Like shooting fish in a barrel Crockpot Meatballs (Spaghetti & Meatballs)
  16. Hearty Western Casserole
  17. Stuffed Pepper Soup
  18. Pizza Burgers
  19. Cheeseburger Soup
  20. Hobo Packets

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20 Ground Beef Recipes for the Slow Cooker -

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20 Ground Beef Recipes for the Tiresome Cooker

These ground beef slow cooker recipes are so helpful when you demand to save money on dinner, or just salvage fourth dimension.  They are a huge hit in our house and I bet you'll beloved them as well.

Class Beef

Cuisine All

Keyword 20 Ground Beef Recipes for the Wearisome Cooker

Prep Time 3 hours 51 minutes

Cook Time 3 hours 51 minutes

0 minutes

Servings 6

Calories 384 kcal

  • Footing beef
  • In most of the ground beefiness recipes for the wearisome cooker, y'all'll want to brownish the meat ahead of fourth dimension, so that your food is not cooking in grease the whole day.  Of course, things like meat loaf and patties that can't be browned ahead of time, as easily, it's OK to practice in the slow cooker, just select a leaner fashion beef, or put a rack or foil assurance underneath so that the meat isn't frying in information technology'south ain grease all solar day.

Calories: 384 kcal | Protein: 26 chiliad | Fatty: xxx g | Saturated Fatty: 12 thousand | Cholesterol: 107 mg | Sodium: 101 mg | Potassium: 408 mg | Calcium: 27 mg | Fe: three mg

Ground Beef Slow Cooker Recipes


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