what happens to jeffery grant in the good wife

I'm not okay. And chances are, you lot aren't either. Only we've got to talk about what just happened. So accept a deep breath, and we'll get through this together. (Or we'll never recover, and I'll just continue to sob on my burrow for the rest of the night…It's nonetheless a tossup at this point.) Manifestly, there are some major spoilers ahead. Continue with caution:

The Good Wife promo from terminal week promised united states that this was the episode everyone would be talking well-nigh. And I can honestly say I did NOT see that twist coming. Volition Gardner (played past the love Josh Charles) is dead. Really dead. Jeffrey Grant (returning invitee star Hunter Parrish) went on a shooting spree in the middle of his trial, and Will was 1 of the victims. How are we supposed to be okay with this, Good Wife writers? (I will now suspension to finish the pint of water ice cream in my freezer.)

Afterward such a funny, Carrie Preston-centric episode last week, it's hard to believe things took such a dramatic, center-wrenching plough. Only I suppose that'due south why they titled the episode "Dramatics, Your Honor." We offset met Jeffrey Grant before this season when he was defendant of killing Dani Littlejohn. He was offered a plea deal, merely didn't take it. (Information technology's worth noting that Kalinda wasn't convinced of his innocence from the showtime.) And then Will faced Finn Polmar (Matthew Goode) in court to get Jeffrey acquitted. The crutch of Will's defense force was that the Dna constitute under Dani's fingernails was "touch Dna," or DNA transferred via skin cells.

Volition thought he caught a break with his bear upon Deoxyribonucleic acid angle, but it didn't hold up. They were back to square one trying to figure out how to even hint that Jeffery and Dani had crossed paths prior to the murder. The great irony here is that Kalinda and Diane clearly doubted Jeffrey's innocence. Information technology was Will, who had been Jeffrey'due south biggest champion. And it was Will who continued to fight and so hard to save Jeffrey from a guilty verdict.

NEXT Page: The moment that changes everything….

But Jeffrey and his parents had their doubts. Jeffrey's parents chosen Alicia at Florrick/Agos for a second stance. And peradventure because of their middle-to-heart of sorts from last calendar week, Alicia warned Will that they were considering a 2nd pick. In hindsight, this was particularly special because it was their last moment together. And it was on pleasant, happy terms. (Here come the tears again.) I don't know if I ever wanted Will and Alicia would end up together in the end. But I at least wanted the option. And then at present that that's clearly off the table, what now? I don't know how The Good Wife continues without the Volition/Alicia dynamic.

Another emotionally telling moment was Kalinda'due south conversation with Will. She admitted to him that she wanted to go out the firm. I causeless she was (like Cary did with Alicia earlier in the ep) but going to confess her new(ish) relationship. But instead, she told him she wanted to exercise something dissimilar with her life. "What, farming?" quipped Will. She said it wasn't about coin or Alicia, just that she just didn't want to be doing the same thing for the next twenty years.

Will: "Okay, I'thousand gonna be honest. You know this is crap. I know this is crap. Every few months you exercise this."

Kalinda: "And this fourth dimension, I am serious."

Will: "You lot and I were built for this, Kalinda. It'southward what nosotros do. We tin can wait at normal people and want to be like them, but we can't actually."

Kalinda: "Is that supposed to be a pep talk? Because it's terrible."

In the end, Will told her to take some time off, merely he said she'd undoubtedly come dorsum. If she only knew what was around the corner! (Scheduled crying break!)

Back to Jeffrey's trial: Kalinda finally found the interruption they needed on the example. Dani and Jeffrey were both treated at the aforementioned infirmary the dark of the murder. Kalinda learned that the paramedics who brought both Dani and Jeffrey in didn't bandy out the sheets. That would explain the touch Dna transfer, and the paramedic was willing to testify.

But all of this became moot. Jeffrey cracked under the pressures of the trial. Jeffrey stole a gun from i of the officers on duty in the courtroom, and went on a shooting spree. Thankfully, nosotros didn't see most of this. I'k pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to handle it. Most of the story was told exterior of the court. The scene inverse to Diane's courtroom, downward the hall from the shooting, where we heard the shots and the screaming. This is when my heart started chirapsia, and I started screaming, "No! No!" repeatedly at the TV. That shot of Will'due south lost shoe and Jeffrey trying to kill himself merely declining. It was too heartbreaking. And it will haunt my Television set dreams for the foreseeable hereafter.

Side by side Folio: The aftermath of the shooting….

I kept talking to the Tv set, assuring myself generally, that what I was watching couldn't actually be happening. There's NO Manner Volition Gardner is dead. Just it'south not just some hallucination. He's gone. And I can't stop the tears! At this point in all the dramatics, I reminded myself that Will is just a fictional character, and that I probably should be having such a reaction to his death. But I was just in pure shock. Normally, these kind of spoilers make their mode effectually the EW office prior to air. But this was a well-guarded hush-hush. Because prior to tonight, I wouldn't have believed you if you lot told me that "Hit the Fan" wouldn't be the craziest episode of the season.

Anyway, someone obviously had to tell Alicia. They had trouble getting ahold of her because she was in the middle of the correspondents' luncheon. But Kalinda finally got Eli to answer. And he pulled her off the stage to break the news. She answered the phone, and the episode concluded.

The voter fraud scandal that'southward been at the forefront of the last few episodes clearly took a backseat to Will's story line. But hither's what happened there: Nelson Dubek went to see Alicia once again. He asked her to submit to a voluntary deposition, hoping that she would get on the record earlier Will did. Alicia warned Eli that Nelson Dubek was coming subsequently them, but ultimately agreed to the deposition so she could maintain some level of control over the situation. Alicia asked Cary to represent her.

At the degradation, Alicia rocked an incredible outfit (and even more impeccable posture). Nelson Dubek admitted to having Alicia followed, and eventually took a stab at Volition and Alicia's romantic relationship after he showed her multiple versions of the voter fraud record. Noticing that he was grasping at straws, Alicia dropped this incredible Alicia truth bomb: "I know the investigator is in trouble when he makes it personal…. You're losing, Mr. Dubek." Only that didn't deter Dubek: "You can bury your head in the sand, Mrs. Florrick, simply in one case Will Gardner testifies, the dominoes will start falling." Picayune does he know that testimony from Volition is never going to happen. I'll admit, I dislike Dubek and really want to see him fail. But this is non the way I wanted it to happen.

NEXT Page The episode's memorable (non-depressing) lines….

Memorable lines and moments from "Dramatics, Your Accolade":

++ Alicia: "When you say you lot're seeing her…"

Cary: [Just gives Alicia this look]

Alicia: "I thought she was gay."

Cary: "Bi…Or something."

Alicia: "Practiced. None of my business."

Cary: "Do you think this is the way Volition and Diane talk?"

Alicia: [Laughs] We just need a shot of bourbon."

Cary: "I'll become some."

++ Volition: "Kalinda, I could buss you."

Kalinda: "Non here."

++ Will: "What exercise you accept?"

Finn: "Me? Nothing. You lot know, just a song in my heart."

++"It's like Perry Mason here with all this late-arriving stuff." —Estimate Politi (Vincent Curatola)

++ Will: "Keeping the world safe for drunk CEOs."

Diane: "[Laughs] Information technology's my new motto!

++ Alicia: "Hey, we might have our differences. But y'all're the better lawyer."

Will: "I am, aren't I?"

Alicia: "[Laughs] And the more humble!"

++ "When your men are trailing me, and they're too far away to hear, only have them signal, and I'll talk louder." —Alicia, to Nelson Dubek

We didn't become to see Alicia'south reaction to the news, but nosotros did become an extended teaser for the residual of flavour 5. It looks similar things are going to get pretty interesting. I still can't picture this evidence without Will Gardner. But information technology looks like nosotros're going to see that happen. Sound off with all your thoughts about the episode, but earlier you do, bank check out this statement from Robert and Michelle King

Bye, Will Gardner!! We're gonna miss yous.

Episode Recaps

Closing Arguments

The Good Wife

Julianna Margulies, Josh Charles, and Chris Noth star in the legal/family drama.

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Source: https://ew.com/recap/the-good-wife-season-5-episode-15/

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