Stopped Smoking Cannabis 2 Weeks Ago Should I Do It Again and Taper Down

This guide is part of our series of articles on improving and maintaining your health and health.


  • 1 Quitting Smoking Has Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of
    • 1.1 Tips and Suggestions on Avoiding Smoking Side Effects
    • 1.2 Article Citations and References on Smoking Side Effects
  • two Questions and Answers
    • 2.1 I quit smoking since final fifteen days, and I have a lot of headache and jaw hurting?
    • two.ii Later on quit smoking, and while cleaning nose, I see blood spots?
    • two.3 Stop smoking, what are the side effects after stopping?
    • two.4 I am having a problem breathing, I have quit smoking and its been 1.5 months?
    • 2.5 Is it normal to have a sensitive throat and cough seven months afterwards quitting smoking?
    • How long will the side effects last?
    • 2.7 How can I quit common cold turkey without all the side furnishings?
    • 2.eight What can I do about Dehydration? I am trying to quit smoking just aridity is a hard thing to deal with. I go dehydrated day and night?
    • 2.ix Acute chest pain 48 hours subsequently quitting smoking, is this normal?
    • 2.x Now I am contesting a sense of loss of control over vocalisation. Everyone says I audio like I am catching a common cold, I exercise non sound the same. My doctor does not have a clue and says to go to ENT doctor. I am worried because information technology has been three weeks?
    • 2.11 It has been 2 weeks since I quit smoking my face has broken out badly and all I want to exercise is sleep. Delight help me?
    • two.12 I did quit in december 2016 and I even so accept nasal baste and bad allergies similar I never had while smoking?
    • 2.13 Is this normal to feel and so much pain with quitting cold turkey ? I demand help?
    • 2.14 I quit smoking 6 months agone after vi.5 years of smoking. How many months the withdrawal symptoms will last?
    • 2.15 I'm into my 5th month of no smoking and have a sore throat and fungus constantly?
  • three Comments

Quitting Smoking Has Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of 72039.jpg

The side furnishings of quitting smoking are unpleasant, but thankfully curt term.

It's not easy to quit smoking, but not knowing the side effects can make it seem nearly impossible. This because quitting smoking involves the unpleasantness of breaking a physical habit, while besides trying to overcome the mental routine and habits that are a part of smoking. Beingness aware of the side furnishings associated with quitting smoking can brand the early on stages less intimidating, and much easier to cope with.

When looking at the side effects listed below, it'southward important to keep in mind that anybody is different. Most people commonly just experience 2 to three of these xv side effects of quitting smoking. Another important thing to keep in mind is that these side effects rarely last more than than two weeks. However, it is important to consider that the chief healing procedure of quitting smoking is a 12-week process, and mild symptoms can persist during this period, especially if you were a heavy smoker.

For those of yous who programme to quit smoking, or who are already on the path to quitting, knowing the side furnishings volition help you be prepared to bargain with the worst parts of quitting. If you've read our earlier guides on the topic, you'll also know that these unpleasant side effects can exist managed through a combination of diet, exercise, and other steps, which we talk over in our VisiHow Guide on How to Quit Smoking.

  1. i

    Many people who smoke may not even realize that they take an anxiety trouble - until they quit smoking. This is because the nicotine in cigarette smoke provides an firsthand relaxation in the form of coming together the torso's demand for nicotine. This also offsets anxiety issues past relaxing the smoker, merely not actually addressing the underlying feet issue. When a person quits smoking, they forced to deal with the early on symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, and any anxiety issues they may take. This tin exist quite hard for some, with doctors prescribing anti-anxiety medications to help people suffering anxiety problems while trying to quit smoking.

  2. 2

    As the body begins to clear out the toxins and tars associated with smoking, information technology will form mucus effectually these impurities. This tin can get out the lungs feeling heavy, or watery, and may cause significant coughing for some people. Doctors may prescribe certain medications and cough suppressants in certain severe cases, only for about people, the worst of this coughing passes after a week or ii.

  3. 3

    Both tobacco and nicotine are very bad for the digestive tract. Over time, only similar the rest of the torso, the digestive tract adapts to nicotine and the effects of tobacco. However, when you lot quit smoking, the digestive tract undergoes a healing process. Information technology learns to function without nicotine and no longer has to overcome or adapt to the other toxins in cigarettes. Because of this, while information technology'southward healing, things tin can stop working properly. This tin can result in constipation. Since the healing process can final for up to 12 weeks, constipation tin occur more than than in one case. Natural or over the counter laxatives can assistance you lot treat constipation.

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  4. four

    At times yous will desire a cigarette more than anything else on the planet, and if you deny yourself that cigarette, you'll desire something else. Nonetheless, contempo studies take shown that addiction is a chronic and anticipated encephalon illness. Put merely, that means it is a problem with the brain that keeps occurring, but it occurs in a predictable way. It'due south ane of the reasons people detect it so difficult to quit smoking. Because of this, intense and predictable cravings volition be triggered as the encephalon repeats the pattern of addictive behavior. Nevertheless, in time the neural network supporting these cravings will physically deteriorate. This deterioration will also weaken and lessen the severity and intensity of addiction cravings. Unfortunately, this procedure takes betwixt six to 12 weeks and requires a great deal of willpower.

  5. 5

    Difficulty Concentrating


    Many people notice it hard to concentrate due to the numerous concrete discomforts associated with quitting smoking. This makes it difficult to concentrate and tin can make tasks that require a high degree of focus nearly impossible to perform. Because of this, many people who are serious most quitting smoking will accept a week or more off work while they focus on quitting.

  6. 6

    Feeling Depressed, Distressing, or Down


    People who aren't familiar with depression often presume that it's lilliputian dissimilar than just feeling down or deplorable. Still, this is not the example. Feeling downwardly or distressing are a part of the withdrawals for some people who quit smoking, but these feelings should not last more than a few days or a calendar week. Low, on the other manus, lasts weeks, and in some cases much longer. Information technology is maybe the most serious problem someone who is quitting smoking can experience. If y'all think you are experiencing depression, it'southward all-time to seek counseling, and get assistance from a professional.

  7. 7

    One of the common side effects of quitting smoking is that your serotonin levels will abruptly drop. Research has shown that depression levels of serotonin contribute to migraines. There are other contributing factors likewise, such every bit caffeine withdrawals (to combat indisposition), fatigue, and dehydration due to not drinking enough h2o. All of these tin can make headaches worse when quitting smoking, and so should be managed through proper rest, hydration, and treated with aspirin or paracetamol if necessary.

  8. eight

    The inability to autumn asleep tin often be attributed to the other unpleasant side furnishings of quitting smoking. Nevertheless, many people are non aware of the fact that the chemicals in their cigarettes cause the torso to purge caffeine more quickly. This means that y'all will experience the effects of caffeine more than than you lot would have when smoking. Where information technology might have previously been normal for y'all to eat large quantities of caffeine, when you lot quit smoking, those same levels of caffeine can keep you awake all night.

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  9. nine

    When everything else seems to be going incorrect with the body due to the withdrawal of nicotine, it'due south common for stress levels to skyrocket. This feeling that everything is incorrect tin can make even the most gentle of people quite irritable and unpleasant. Thankfully this phase will pass, but it'southward best to steer articulate of others, or at least let them know that you lot'll be less than your usual cheery self while quitting smoking.

  10. 10

    Your body will be healing itself of all the harm smoking has caused. This isn't only limited to nicotine and carbon monoxide, every bit in that location are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes. There's really a lot going on. Your claret vessels volition be expanding, your body will be flushing out accumulated toxins, and the lungs will be repairing and cleaning themselves. While it all sounds nifty, the fact is that it can exist overwhelming, and leave i absolutely wearied.

  11. eleven

    The increased stress acquired past not having nicotine in the blood stream, combined with the mental association of not smoking, tin can cause restlessness. In extreme cases, this tin result in panic attacks, though this is quite rare. As a general dominion, engaging in any form of physical activeness can best combat restlessness associated with quitting smoking.

  12. 12

    Near 48 hours after you quit smoking, nervus endings and senses that were deadened and blunted by smoking will begin to regenerate and re-grow. You'll start noticing smells more than and may find that sure strong odors are particularly unpleasant. This can include cleaning supplies, like bleach, or things such as refilling your motorcar's gas tank. The symptoms vary from person to person, though in that location are besides pleasant side effects, such as being able to appreciate the scent of fresh coffee, flowers, and perfumes more.

  13. 13

    2 hours subsequently your final cigarette, the heart will begin to beat more slowly. Blood pressure level will as well drop. This is normal, as smoking artificially elevates both of these, just it can cause business organisation for some people. The average resting heart rate of an adult is betwixt 60 and 80 beats per infinitesimal, with that number existence lower for those who are very fit.

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  14. 14

    When yous quit smoking, the body begins to produce more than mucus. This is to assist clean out the tar and other toxins from the lungs and throat lining. Often it volition also cause y'all to feel like there is a lump in your throat, and can even cause flu like symptoms, complete with nasal drip. These symptoms by and large don't last more than a week and can be treated with the same remedies you'd use for a cold or flu - pharynx lozenges, warm teas, and similar medicines. You can even use some of the methods singers use to soothe their vocal cords.

  15. xv

    Weight proceeds is a mutual problem for people who quit smoking. While many attribute this to the demand to 'always be doing something', this is, in fact, incorrect. Modern inquiry has shown that nicotine triggers a sugar release in the claret stream. This happens in a matter of seconds, which is why many of those who smoke don't feel the need to eat or snack equally much. This is why they remain thin. And so, when they quit smoking, the 20 minutes it can take for a regular meal or snack to release sugar into the bloodstream can seem like an eternity. Because of this, they finish up eating more than they normally would and put on weight.

Tips and Suggestions on Avoiding Smoking Side Furnishings

  • Drink at least one gallon of water a day for the first three days yous quit smoking. This is important because the extra water will help your trunk affluent out the accumulated toxins, and also continue you hydrated.
  • Make yourself pocket-sized but good for you snacks. Anytime you'd normally have a cigarette, check the time, and only swallow one pack of your snack. Then run across how yous feel in 20 minutes. Ordinarily, you'll experience fine and won't desire some other snack.
  • Change your routines and habits to trick your body. The body adapts to irresolute environments and becomes accustomed to certain behaviors. Smoking is one of them. Past changing your routine, you'll throw your trunk off by changing a routine it is comfy with. This can help unsettle information technology plenty to lessen some of your more severe cravings.

Article Citations and References on Smoking Side Effects

The post-obit manufactures, government sites, and medical journals were used in this guide.

  • American Cancer Order
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Healthy Canadians
  • Kids Health
  • National Cancer Plant
  • National Health Service (NHS)
  • National Institutes of Wellness (NIH)
  • Queen Victoria Quit Org
  • Fume Gratis

I quit smoking since terminal xv days, and I take a lot of headache and jaw pain?

I quit smoking since last 15 days, and I have a lot of headache and jaw pain

  1. ane

    Take a relaxing warm bath. Do yoga meditation techniques or start working out. Do not potable coffee or caffeine-based soda drinks.

  2. two

    Jaw pain does happen forth with withdrawal effects equally the person tries to clamp his or her teeth subconsciously. Always command yourself when you close your oral fissure. Practise not exert pressure with your jaw onto the top row of your teeth. Every time y'all close your mouth, double-check your teeth, permit the jaw stay relaxed. Your teeth should be aligned correctly and not overexerting force per unit area onto each other. If the hurting does not go abroad, you will accept to run across the dentist.

After quit smoking, and while cleaning nose, I see blood spots?

Now it is been day xv since I quit smoking and while cleaning my nose, I can see small spots of blood.

This is common. Practise not panic. You are beginning to take increased blood flow once more and your capillaries in your nose are adjusting. This as well happens during a cold, dry out winter. Utilize a saline spray if it continues. This will help with irritation. You might also desire to run a humidifier in your room while sleeping if the air is dry.

Stop smoking, what are the side effects afterward stopping?

My brother is an fond smoker, he smokes over 25 cigarettes per day, so may I know how to end this, and what are the side effects after stopping? I accept tried: I'm trying to quit his smoking as soon every bit possible... I recall it was caused past: I don't know, simply delight tell me what are the side furnishings?

There are several side effects listed in the article on this page. What you take to realize is that your brother will take to actually want to quit. Yous can't brand someone cease smoking unless they really want to cease for themselves. Badgering him will merely make the state of affairs worse. Instead, sit down him down and explicate to him how much you love him and wish for him to quit. Offer him all the motivational back up he will need if he quits. You clearly accept his best health in listen. Perhaps purchase some smoking cessation aids as a souvenir for him. The Us has an online as well as over the phone support setup at If you are not in the Us, the website still offers some peachy information on how to quit. Wait for what is available in your region for helping your brother to quit smoking.

I am having a problem breathing, I have quit smoking and its been 1.five months?

I am having a problem breathing, I have quit smoking and its been ane.5 months. I accept tried: Nothing. I think information technology was caused by: Nothing

Treat Respiratory Bug and Lung Disease with Garlic is a VisiHow article you should read for tips on handling. Coughing afterwards you quit smoking is normal but difficult to breath is not. This is something that y'all need to hash out with your personal physician. You might need the help of an inhaler for a bit of fourth dimension and your physician should examination from other illnesses that can cause what y'all are experiencing.

Is it normal to take a sensitive throat and cough seven months after quitting smoking?

I quit smoking 7 months ago and just recently inside the last 2 months have had sensitive throat and a new coughing. Is this normal. My Doctor can't see anything wrong with my throat.

This could be allergies or dry out air that are all of a sudden causing the cough. Since your dr. sees no visible causes, consider allergy medicine to see if it stops. You lot will also desire to sleep with a humidifier on in your room at nighttime. This might be something as elementary as a cold beginning to appear.

How long will the side furnishings last?

My husband quit smoking 3 weeks ago, and I want to know what he will be going through and then that I can help him. What are things I should do?. I have tried: Nothing. I think it was caused past: I don't know!

Helping a Smoker Quit is a motivational page posted on It has some slap-up tips such as wash all the apparel that smell similar smoke and clean your carpets and drapes if your husband smoked in the business firm. You should likewise calculate how much your married man spent each week on cigarettes. Put that amount into a savings account for a once in a lifetime trip or buy. This volition help as a motivation to your husband.

How can I quit common cold turkey without all the side effects?

I'm only 41 and I'g fix to quit smoking I've heard all the tricks smoke i throw 1 away etc. Tried nigh every trick that yous can think of, nothing worked. And then I think it'southward time I just go Common cold Turkey

You can't avoid some of the side effects. It will exist trial and error for 2 weeks if you quit common cold turkey. Replace your smoking addiction with something else. Every fourth dimension you lot want a cigarette, refocus yourself. People have had success with playing a quick game on their phone such as Candy Crush or walking effectually the block. Whatsoever it is, y'all will find that you will use the refocus efforts towards the side effects besides.

What can I do about Dehydration? I am trying to quit smoking but aridity is a hard thing to bargain with. I become dehydrated mean solar day and night?

I beverage h2o merely it does not last in my torso. What solution do you lot have for that? I wake upwardly at nighttime several times considering of dehydration.

At that place are sprays for dry out mouth in the pharmacy department of retail stores. What you are experiencing is dry oral fissure and this can be relieved.

Acute chest pain 48 hours after quitting smoking, is this normal?

Hullo, I am 48 hours into cold turkey and experiencing these sharp piffling pangs from what appears to be my heart. I was experiencing some serious anxiety leading upward to and in the showtime 24 hours but this is improving.. Fugitive all alternative crouches and the doctors. Any natural detox to assist cleanse the arteries?

Anytime you have chest pain lasting more than than fifteen minutes, you need to seek emergency medical treatment. It can being something beneficial but yous should dominion out a more significant issue.

Now I am battling a sense of loss of control over voice. Everyone says I sound like I am catching a cold, I practise not audio the same. My doc does not accept a clue and says to go to ENT dr.. I am worried because information technology has been three weeks?

I have been going through a boatload of problems since I quit smoking 180 days ago. The chest pains were horrible. Cardiologist says no problem there. Advise to do Yoga and continue exercising. Also had an upper GI washed considering of pain. No problem there besides. Had awful burning and tingling sensations all over upper torso for over a month. At present I am battling a problem with my vocalisation. Sounds like I am catching a cold. Sounding namely like this all the time. It's been three weeks and I am worried about what is causing me to audio like this, especially when I hear myself speaking. Going to an ENT today to see if its OK. But my anxiety has been over the top. A friend who quit final twelvemonth tells me it is all normal. Information technology will take a year to go back solidly on the footing later on smoking for so many years. Is this all true?? The voice change situation is what I am seeking answers to. I accept non establish whatsoever answers to this situation. How long does it have for voice to return to normal or does it get any better? I have tried: Worry... Worry and more Worry. I look everything up and speak to people who have quit. Go to physicians and they really do not take a clue as to how a person who stops smoking feels, or what is normal etc. The medical community needs to exist more than versed on this subject field especially since they are promoting their patients to quit all the time!! I think information technology was caused by: Stopping smoking seems to be the root cause. Never had any of these problems when I smoked. Information technology appears smoking masked a lot of other problems I had already it seems

Yous are possibly correct in thinking that your previous smoking habit was hiding a bigger vocal chord event. Make an appointment with the ENT. They are well versed in smoking result problems and can give you some answers.

It has been ii weeks since I quit smoking my face has cleaved out badly and all I want to practice is sleep. Please aid me?

All I want to do is sleep and my face is breaking out bad, I quit smoking 2 weeks ago, please assistance.

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I did quit in december 2016 and I still have nasal drip and bad allergies like I never had while smoking?

I did quit in december 2016 (heavy smoker) and I still have nasal drip and bad allergies like I never had while smoking. And my sense of scent disappeared. I have hay fever medication to no avail. I did quit more ane year agone and I still have nasal drip and no sense of smell - symp[symptoms similar allergies merely they don't get improve with histamine medication. I have tried: Allergy medication. cold/flu medication. medical evaluations to no avail. I think it was caused by: The nasal drip started few days afterward I did quit smoking and it is merely the same afterward 1 year

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Is this normal to experience so much hurting with quitting cold turkey ? I need help?

I quite smoking. I am having a hard fourth dimension sleeping staying comatose. I am having this dry out coughing for 3 days. And migraine that comes and goes ever two minutes. All the things I read say to take cough drops or abode remedies but they oasis't worked at all. The migraines and the hurting from quitting. The tips that they give have not helped to me it has fabricated it worse for me. I so just want to pick up a cigarette and smoke so I don't experience like this. I want to sleep and not cough when I am taking a breath. Give some helpful advice. I accept tried: I have tried water I have tried the patches and lozenges and mucilage. One injure my arm and the other 2 fabricated me throw up. I take tried sugar costless gum which helps but simply a picayune chip. I have tried listening to music just to fall comatose. I accept taken migraine medicine but it doesn't practise anything simply make information technology worse for me. Which is making it hard for me not to sleep. I think it was caused by: Quitting smoking has caused these problems for me I would like one simply then it could stop

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I quit smoking 6 months ago later on 6.v years of smoking. How many months the withdrawal symptoms will last?

I am 30 years old. I used to fume average vii-viii cigarettes per mean solar day for half-dozen.5 years. I quit smoking six months agone afterward I got severe bacterial infection in my throat. I recovered from infection sooner but since then I accept several issues with my throat. The major one was lump in throat sensation which used to reappear several times a day. Endoscopy done in Aug this yr showed no problems. Even I didn't face difficulties in swallowing. I had read virtually Globus sensation somewhere and I still think the lump sensation is due to that(or due to withdrawal symptoms?). I used to experience dizzy with mild headache. My pharynx muscles as well used to experience strained nigh of the times. As well, I got the sensation of swelling of mentum area. . Nowadays the same(swelling of chin area) happens along with a feeling of swollen lymph nodes(though they feel tender while touching), mild pain in jaw and ear keeps on recurring and mild headache. Today I met ENT doctor who asked me whether I had cold recently which I had i week ago and it was severe. He told me that I had mild congestion and my pharynx felt dry due the common cold I had and due to dehydration. He advised me to stay hydrated and eat veggies and fruits. . In this span of 6 months I visited several doctors, most of them telling that the problem especially lumpy sensation was due to . GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease). And yes, I used to have astringent acid refluxes at times. With all these info, I want to enquire whether all these bug are due to withdrawal symptoms? How many more months are these going to last? My state of affairs is different from others because I might be facing two weather condition at a time( Withdrawal symptoms and GERD). But, I am dislocated near which i is the root cause and I besides become scared at times when the mentioned problems increase. Or may be I accept some other condition. But if at all the conditions are due to withdrawal symptoms, kindly let me know when these all will end. I have tried: Medications related to GERD. Endoscopy. I have tried all food habits including immune boosting foods and drinks. I think information technology was acquired past: My lifestyle and eating habits. Smoking existence the main culprit.

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I'thousand into my 5th month of no smoking and accept a sore throat and fungus constantly?

I'grand into my 5th month of no smoking and have a sore throat and mucus constantly the cough sometimes is and so potent . And I lose my vocalisation frequently

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